The Paperless Resolution: Make the Switch in 2023

go paperless as a new years resolution

Are you tired of sifting through piles of paper, searching for that one document you need? Are you sick of spending your hard-earned cash on printer ink and paper? Are you ready to finally put your paper-hoarding habits behind you? Well, my friend, the start of a new year is the perfect time to take the plunge and go paperless!

Going paperless is like going on a diet, but instead of cutting out carbs, you're cutting out paper. And let's be real, paper is the real enemy here. It's the reason you can never find your car keys, you're constantly running out of storage space, and you keep having nightmares about being buried alive in a mountain of paperwork.

But fear not, because by scanning and digitizing your documents, you'll be able to say goodbye to all of that. Can't find that document you need? Just do a quick search on your computer. Need to send something to someone? Email it over, no stamp required. And the best part? You can finally say goodbye to your paper-hoarding ways and hello to a life of organization and tidiness. Your inner Marie Kondo will thank you.

Business benefits of going paperless

And it's not just about getting your life in order, going paperless has some serious benefits for your business too. For starters, it saves you money. No more expensive paper or ink. Plus, you won't have to pay for storage space for those documents you never actually look at. And with all of that extra cash, you can finally invest in that standing desk you've been eyeing or treat your team to a fancy coffee machine.

It's good for the environment

Plus, let's not forget about the environmental benefits of going paperless. According to the Paperless Project, the average office worker uses about 10,000 sheets of paper annually. That’s a lot of trees! By digitizing your documents, you're not just saving money, you're saving the planet. In addition to saving trees, going paperless also reduces the carbon footprint caused by the manufacturing, transport, and disposal of paper. This not only helps the environment but also is a responsible move for any business that wants to be socially responsible and do its part for the planet.

By digitizing your documents, your business can reduce the amount of paper used, lower the carbon footprint and be more eco-friendly. This not only gives you the satisfaction of doing something good for the environment, but it also can help your business by positioning it as socially responsible, which can be a great selling point for your business. And what's more, you'll be able to brag about it to your friends at your next dinner party. Not only will you be able to talk about the time and money you've saved by going paperless, but you'll also be able to boast about the impact you're making on the environment. It's a win-win all around.

Document security

And the icing on the cake? Improved security. By digitizing your documents, you can sleep easy knowing that your sensitive information is safe and sound. Not only will you no longer have to worry about losing important paper documents, but you'll also have peace of mind knowing that your digital files are protected with state-of-the-art encryption. 

In the event of a fire or flood, your documents will be safe and secure in the cloud, meaning you won't have to worry about losing precious data. Additionally, with document management systems, you can control access to your documents and keep an audit trail of who has viewed them and when. This allows you to keep a tight leash on sensitive information, and ensure your data is only seen by the people who need to see it. 

With the increasing number of cyber threats and data breaches, businesses are at risk more than ever before. By digitizing your documents and adding an extra layer of security to your business, you'll be taking a proactive step in protecting your company’s assets and reputation.

So, what are you waiting for? It's a new year, and it's time to break up with paper. Trust me, you won't regret it. And you might even enjoy the extra storage space, organization, and improved security in your office and your life. So, Let's make the change and see the difference!

If you are interested in starting the New Year by going paperless, reach out to Revolution Data Systems to discuss your scanning needs.