How much does it cost to scan a box of records?

A standard box of documents contains about 2,500 pages. The industry average to scan records is between $0.08 and $0.15 per page.

A standard box of records typically costs about $250 to scan.

Our document scanning price per page includes everything like prep, document capture, post-scan processing, indexing, quality assurance, and data export.

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How do you convert to a paperless office?

In short - put your documents in a box and we’ll take care of the rest.

The long answer, we work with you to map out a plan to meet your current and future needs for records management. Our document conversion team takes you from paper overload to digital nirvana in a few simple steps:

  1. Document collection and shipping. Documents are boxed and transported to our secure scanning facility for conversion. No matter where your documents reside in the United States, we can ship them to our office for scanning.

  2. Preparation for scanning. Files are made ready for scanning by removing paperclips, staples, rubber bands, etc.

  3. Scanning. We scan the files based on predetermined specifications—i.e. 200 dpi, black and white, grayscale.

  4. Data entry, formatting, and indexing. You need to be able to locate files once they are scanned. This step ensures that the right metadata is captured and assigned to each file.

  5. Quality control. This is the most important step. Our intelligent data capture software automatically catches most errors in the scanning and indexing processes. We deploy two operators to each project to create what we call ‘double-blind verification’ to ensure the highest degree of accuracy in the industry.

  6. Post-processing. Depending on your needs, we can store, shred, or return your files. Take your pick.

  7. Secure data delivery. We deliver your data in a variety of ways; FTP site, physical media, import into your document management system.

Our team has provided high-quality document scanning services across the nation for thousands of clients. Fill out the form to receive a free quote for your document scanning project.

Factors that can affect pricing for document scanning services:

1. How many pages do you need scanned?

Multiply the number of boxes you have by 2,500 to get an idea of how many pages you have. If you have 50 standard boxes of paper, multiply 50 times 2,500 to come up with 125,000 pages. Lower volume scanning projects have a higher unit cost.

2. How much prep work is required to get your documents ready for scanning?

It can take a great deal of time to remove staples, rubber bands and other fasteners from your records. The documents must also be taken out of folders or binders. If heavy prep is required to get your documents ready for scanning, your cost will increase.

3. How much re-prep is required for your documents after they have been scanned?

Once your documents are scanned, will they need to be stapled back together or put back in their original folders/binders? If not, eliminating this step saves time and money. If you are not legally required to keep files, it is a good idea to have them destroyed after they have been scanned.

4. Which index fields need to be captured from your records?

When scanning records, we need a logical way to order, name and index each document. The least expensive way to index a box of records is to name them by what’s on the box (names, years, etc.), and look them up digitally as you would if you were looking through the physical box. For an extra few pennies, you could have them OCRed, allowing you to search the files by keywords. As the level of complexity increases for indexing your files increases, so does the cost of data entry.  

5. Do you need onsite scanning services, or can the records be transported?

Most of our document scanning projects are performed in our secure facility; however, some clients require that we scan documents at their site. We handle onsite scanning projects around the country, but there are additional fees to set up equipment and operators at your site. 

6. Are your documents being uploaded into a document management system?

If so, we can handle the indexing and data formatting to ensure your electronic documents are imported properly. Depending on the complexity of your system, our level of effort varies.


Ready to take the next step? Contact us for a price quote to get started!